B2B Lead Generation

Generating Quality B2B sales leads in Asia

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Generating Quality b2b sales leads in Asia One of the main challenges in most mid to large-sized companies operating in Asia is the disparate geography followed by its languages and cultures. Although English remains the main course for B2B communication however quality discussion is a hit-and-miss in many instances. Generating online leads through marketing campaigns […]

B2B Lead Generation

Direct Lead Generation Services in Asia

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Growing sales through Lead Generation Services Acquiring new leads in Asia can be resource intensive taxing your sales and marketing staffs with lower productive tasks as in cold lead generation would be. Warming up cold leads can be time consuming but still a necessary activity that successful companies engage in.  While drip feeding cold leads […]

Demand Generation

Lead Qualification

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Process of Qualifying A Lead What is a Lead? One of the best way to describe a lead is to have more than 1 of the following :– Budget– Authority– Need– TimeLine or Bant. Incorporating the above criteria into your lead generation processes for all your marketing campaigns will help save time and effort as […]

B2B Lead Generation

B2B Cold Prospecting in Asia

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B2B Cold Propspecting in Asia

B2B Lead Generation for Better Sales Pipeline in Asia B2B cold lead generation activity is one of the most challenging activity in sales and/or marketing. Simply calling prospects in hopes of that high quality lead is usually the domain of a superstar that you would read about or see in the movies. Most will not […]

B2B Lead Generation

B2B Lead Generation in the next Recession

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It’s now no secret that 2019 may turn volatile as businesses start to seriously plan for the next slow down around the world and particularly in Asia. Here are a few headliners to think about as marketing budget cuts progresses and pressures mount to improve on productivity and efficiencies. Spread your execution work Common sense dictates not […]

B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing for Lead Generation

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Business-to-business (B2B) marketing for lead generation is an important part of any business primed for growth in current and prospective customer base. One of the best ways is to expand reach into your market is through direct marketing. Direct marketing encompasses email, telemarketing, catalogues and more. Regardless of the form you choose, there are at […]