Category: Technology
B2B marketing: Timely Lead Response
Posted onB2B marketing: Timely Lead Response So, you have just spent thousands of dollars in your marketing campaign targeting new audiences to gain awareness and hopefully leads eventually. You may have used a combo of display ads, email, SEM, social media and then some. Immediate objectives are to optimised clicks throughs and conversions through your inside […]
Lead Generation in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand
Posted onAs business sentiments are turning southward due to slow down of major economies in ASEAN and Asia in particular marketing budgets may start to see cuts while growth in sales revenue expectation remains; basically ‘do more with less’ may soon prevail presenting tough working situation. There is, however, an alternative you might want to consider […]
B2B Marketing for Lead Generation
Posted onBusiness-to-business (B2B) marketing for lead generation is an important part of any business primed for growth in current and prospective customer base. One of the best ways is to expand reach into your market is through direct marketing. Direct marketing encompasses email, telemarketing, catalogues and more. Regardless of the form you choose, there are at […]